In The News

Here you can catch some of the headlines that Project Haystack and Haystack Connect 2017 are making In The News! Let us know if we missed one.

AUTOMATEDBUILDINGS.COM INTERVIEW – Ken Sinclair with John Petze and Marc Petock

John Petze is Executive Director and Marc Petock is Secretary of the Project Haystack Organization.

For the past five years since its formation, the Project Haystack community has made significant advances in developing and defining an easy-to-use methodology to attach a description and give meaning to all types of data using a simple, extensible data-tagging approach and standard models for common types of equipment systems.

Today I am talking with John Petze, Executive Director and Marc Petock, Secretary of the Project Haystack organization. For those that do not know, yet, Project Haystack is a non-profit, 501(c) organization focused on developing common standards to streamline the interchange of data among today’s smart devices, systems and equipment.

The devices that are making Internet of Things (IoT) a reality such as intelligent building systems, automation systems, metering systems, sensors and smart devices, produce tremendous amounts of data. This data has been very hard to organize and use across different applications because it was stored in many different formats, had inconsistent naming conventions, and very limited data descriptors. In essence, data has lacked information with it to describe its meaning. And, without any description of the data, a time-consuming manual effort is required to determine what the data is and then assign any value to the data.

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